All rights reserved -  Copyright 2011 © - designed by Katherine Davenport

If you would like to schedule a session, register for a class, or simply have a question regarding how my services might benefit you, please feel free to contact me via telephone, email, or text (social media coming soon):

Katherine Davenport

Telephone:  612-600-3020


Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 24413

  Minneapolis, MN 55424


I have been inspired and blessed to have had many teachers along my path.  Some have come through formal education and others have been strangers, beloved animals, or whispering trees.  Regardless, I gratefully continue to learn everyday.  While I believe that labeling someone is limiting, I also understand the benefits of helping people know where I come from.  Below is an informal list of some of the things I have done to bring  me to this point in my life.

Healing Arts


Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Mastership

Shamanic Healing

Spring Forest Qigong Level I-IV &

Teacher Training Guide Program

Medical Qigong

Primordial Qigong

Mastering Alchemy

Munay-Ki Rites of Passage

Flower of Life – Drunvalo  Melchizedek

Neuri-linguistic Programming (NLP)

Certified Hypnotist

Healing Touch Level I

Kinesiology Level I & II

HeartSight I-IV




       Reiki I, II, and Mastership

       Shamanic Journeying/Clearing



I began my career in the corporate world working as an event planner for Incentive Travel.  From there I moved into Industrial Film and Video as a freelance producer working with companies such as Ford Motor Company.

After several years of production work I chose to start an ecotourism company with my brother and became CEO and part owner of EcoQuest Travel, Inc.  In January of 2009 I sold my shares to my brother and decided to venture out on my own following my gift of intuition to create whatever unfolds……….

Bachelor of Arts - History, Business, and Cultural Studies

In Gratitude

2011 Rates/Appointments:

Individual telephone sessions - $100 per hour - typicalIy the first session lasts 1 1/2 hours.  I am happy to accommodate any reasonable time frame, which we can discuss when you make an appt.

Payments are accepted by:

  1. - Personal check as long as it is received one week prior to your reading.  Please make it out to Titan Industries, Inc. and send it to the address above.

  1. - Credit cards through PayPal.  Another credit card service will be launched as soon as the paperwork is complete to give my clients options.

Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours ahead of your appointment to receive a refund.

*If you are outside of the United States additional costs may be incurred.

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